Surprising Things That Can Damage Your Roof

You’ve heard of UV-ray damage, roof damage caused by temperature extremes, and other types of weather-related damage. But did you know that cleaning your roof can damage it as well in some cases? Learn about four surprising things, including cleaning, that could damage your roof.
1. Cleaning your roof.
Sweeping off leaves and twigs with a soft, long-handled brush is a must. But if you’re tempted to use a power washer, resist! Power washing, especially by someone inexperienced or with a powerful washer, can cause significant damage.
If you need more cleaning power than dry sweeping offers, try a gentle roof cleaning solution and a gentle roof scrubbing brush. Leave anything more intense to professionals who understand roof cleaning limitations and can minimize damage.
2. DIY roof inspections.
Walking on your roof for inspection purposes is dangerous to both your health and the roof itself. This is especially true for roofs made of metal or tile, or for older roofs or those with weather damage.
For example, UV rays can make shingles brittle and more prone to cracking when stepped on. Even new roofs lose granules every time someone walks on them, so avoid this activity whenever possible. Professionals know how to wear proper footwear, avoid weak spots, and minimize overall roof-walking to prevent damage.
3. A poorly installed chimney.
Poorly installed chimney flashing can definitely put your roof at risk. However, your chimney’s location also makes it prone to collecting water and debris behind it. Some roofs have a small structure called a chimney cricket placed behind the chimney to help divert these accumulations. If your chimney lacks one, it could damage your roof.
A chimney cricket is especially important if you have a tree that drops a lot of debris behind the chimney or if the chimney is wider than usual. The chimney’s placement is also significant. If it’s close to the ridge, less water will flow down to it from above. However, if it’s near the middle or bottom of a slope, it can collect water and debris quickly, causing leaks.
4. Leaves on your roof.
You might think the main reason to remove leaves from your roof is to keep things tidy and prevent clogged gutters. But sweeping leaves can also prevent other problems.
In addition to collecting behind your chimney, leaves and debris from nearby trees can pile up on your roof and cause issues on their own. They may seem harmless, but a buildup of wet leaves can hold a lot of water and even block drainage in roof valleys, causing standing water. And even when leaves aren’t holding standing water, they can still keep the roof surface moist, similar to mulch on a garden bed. This moisture encourages moss and other undesirable growths to take hold on your roof’s surface.
These are just four surprising things that can cause roof problems. Whether you think your roof has been damaged or you’d like a professional inspection or cleaning, contact Landmark Roofing and they’ll be happy to help.